Our Vendors
C&L Farm
From the Central Coast town of Nipomo in San Luis Obispo County, C&L Farms, offers crisp, leafy greens such as Morado Red kale, and an assorted arrangement of sweet berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and of course, sweet central coast strawberries, which are in season most of the year. Keep an eye out for seasonal selections such as smooth buttery avocados, delicious dandelions, and yellow pear tomatoes. They accept EBT coins, Market Match coupons, and WIC FMNP checks.
Don Betos
From Riverside, California, Don Betos Farm brings a plethora of staple vegetables such as Yukon potatoes, Yellow Onions, Japanese Yams, Costata Squash, and fruits such as Cherries, Persimmons, and Prickly Pear Cactus when in season. They accept EBT coins, Market Match coupons, and WIC FMNP checks.
Atkins Nursery
Victor Gonzalez Farms sells a variety of fruits and plants. Their specialty is: White Zapote, Passion Fruits, Cherimoya, Dragon Fruits, Guavas, Kumquats, & Loquats. If you have a green thumb, come visit the herb plants they offer on Mondays! They accept EBT coins, Market Match coupons, and WIC FMNP checks.
Palo Altos Honey
Palo Altos Honey offers 100% pure local honey! They are a SoCal based and family-run business with a variety of honey including orange blossom, sage blossom, cactus, wildflower, clover, and much more! Palo Altos Honey also offer partial honey combs, bee pollen, and bees wax in many forms such as candles. Make sure to catch them every Thursday on the east side of the market. Don't forget to ask for a sample!
Imperio Gourmet Tamales
Imperio Gourmet Tamales specializes in home-made tamales and pupusas. Tamales are offered in wide variety: pork, chicken, jalapeños & cheese and more! Accompany your meal with their aguas frescas coming in flavors of watermelon, tamarind, and cucumber. EBT coins and WIC coupons are accepted.
Angelo Ranch
Angelo Ranch is a farm hailing from Tulare, California. From the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, they sell grapes, nectarines, prickly pears, pomelos, avocados, watermelon, & more.
Catch them adjacent to the information booth on Monday markets!